K Beauty Institute是香港第一間註冊成為IFBC韓國社團法人國際美容家聯合會美容機關會員的美容學院,IFBC得到韓國政府認證支持,致力於開發最新養顏美容技術的機關。

國際名模Samantha Vaughn
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國際名模Samantha Vaughn
剛在K Beauty 補了眼線,她說自從用了眉加眼線後真的非常開心,她稱讚Janey的手勢很好,眼線很貼及很自然,尤其是在旅遊的日子,完全不用化妝,實在太方便了!
International Model Samantha Vaughn had just finished her eyeliner retouch treatment at K Beauty, and she was delighted with the eyebrow and eyeliner treatments. She gave huge compliments to Janey’s professional skills with her eyeliner as they look very natural, especially when travelling, she doesn’t have to put on any make-up which is super convenient!
❤想知道更多優惠詳情,就聯絡我們K Beauty啦!📞
K Beauty Medical Group
地址:香港九龍尖沙咀加連威老道10號加威中心5樓503室 (尖沙咀地鐵B1出口)
☎查詢電話: 3568-1487
📱WhatsApp預約: 9712-9988
*如有任何爭議,K Beauty保留最終決定權*
K Beauty Medical Group
「Keen to Beauty—時刻對美保持敏銳的觸覺!」
#飄霧眉 #隱形眼線 #柔唇 #髮際線
#pico皮秒激光 #去斑 #去凹凸洞 #洗眉