K Beauty Institute
Korean Semi-Permanent Makeup Institute with Our Team of Professional Instructors
K Beauty Institute is the first beauty institute registered in Hong Kong to become a cosmetology organization member of IFBC (The International Federation of Beauty Culturist). IFBC is a leading international organization which receives support from Korean government to contribute to the development of the latest beauty techniques. K Beauty Institute is accredited by IFBC as an internationally ISO-certified educational institution and was the first branch established in Hong Kong by KSH Korean Beauty Education Center.
Our Korean semi-permanent makeup course is taught by our professional and well- qualified instructors. We assist students to quickly master Korean professional techniques of semi-permanent makeup (including colouring of eyebrows, eyelines, lips, scalp and hairline). We also teach advanced medical semi-permanent makeup techniques for the areola and scar area. Moreover, we offer professional courses about skincare skills, hoping to provide all-round trainings to students. K Beauty Institute is passionate to assist students get professional qualifications in the most efficient way, thereby students could become specialists in the semi-permanent makeup field.

Activities Shot
有人一照鏡見到自己某個部位就會不開心,就是乳暈。 尤其是曾經母乳餵哺的媽媽,《乳暈轉色》技術相信是一眾媽媽的最 期待的驚喜療程! 珍妮老師再次以過來人身份跟大家分享自己做這個療程細節, 10年前親自學這個轉色技術,真正為各位媽媽的私密處「新色」 不少!
四孩媽媽日常Buy Time之選!
媽媽Joan有四個小朋友,依然保持樣貌美麗,身型窈窕, 其中一個節省時間的小撇步,就是做了K Beauty的素顏孖寶! 
「那些年Sammi超幼眉大熱,我當然站在潮流嘅尖端啦, 當年得十幾歲,又點會知道擁有蠟筆小新眉嘅我, 都會有無眉嘅一日,眉同眼線我係搵Joi老師及珍妮老師幫我整, Joi老師幫我做4D Combo眉嗰陣,我全程瞓咗覺,所以大家唔洗問我痛唔痛。
珍妮老師幫我做3D眼線手勢非常之好, 一對眼淨係用咗十幾分鐘就搞掂啦~手藝又快又準, 所以對眼嘅不適可以減到好低。2年前整果次,我腫咗成個禮拜, 今次整完當晚係有微微腫,但18小時後已經完全冇晒事, 今次非常感謝朋友仔極力推介我去整。
起初聽到好多明星葉翠翠生b前都去呢度做,實會好貴啦⋯⋯ 點知聽完價錢之後非常實惠而且佢哋而家做緊大優惠, 因為朋友介紹,特價咗之後仲額外
️折,平到笑! 之前我出咗Story後已經有網友想去整,如果你都想去試, 可留言,特價完再八折
老公都大讚我望落比之前精神咗,就算摺衫摺到凌晨2am, 一早起身都好靚靚,我考慮緊下個月整埋個嘴
頭條獨家丨劉祖兒重編黃家駒未曝光作品 讚MIRROR及ERROR有才華 
曾於90年代加入樂壇的劉祖兒(Joi)憑歌曲《喜歡我》彈出, 首張專輯更獲得金唱片,惜跟唱片公司意見不合, 快閃兩年便隨另一半轉做美容,而一直沒放棄音樂創作的他, 早前推出純跳舞音樂大碟《3 UR Mind》並於德國、英國及日本等地發行。另外, 離世28年的黃家駒生前曾為Joi製作的歌曲《重覓》 也即將面世,他表示會繼續享受創作。
K Beauty Medical Group
「Keen to Beauty—時刻對美保持敏銳的觸覺!」
#飄霧眉 #隱形眼線 #柔唇 #髮際線
#pico皮秒激光 #去斑 #去凹凸洞 #洗眉