K Beauty Institute
Korean Semi-Permanent Makeup Institute with Our Team of Professional Instructors
K Beauty Institute is the first beauty institute registered in Hong Kong to become a cosmetology organization member of IFBC (The International Federation of Beauty Culturist). IFBC is a leading international organization which receives support from Korean government to contribute to the development of the latest beauty techniques. K Beauty Institute is accredited by IFBC as an internationally ISO-certified educational institution and was the first branch established in Hong Kong by KSH Korean Beauty Education Center.
Our Korean semi-permanent makeup course is taught by our professional and well- qualified instructors. We assist students to quickly master Korean professional techniques of semi-permanent makeup (including colouring of eyebrows, eyelines, lips, scalp and hairline). We also teach advanced medical semi-permanent makeup techniques for the areola and scar area. Moreover, we offer professional courses about skincare skills, hoping to provide all-round trainings to students. K Beauty Institute is passionate to assist students get professional qualifications in the most efficient way, thereby students could become specialists in the semi-permanent makeup field.

Activities Shot
【二月快訊】K Beauty祝您虎年大吉🐯身體健康!星級媽媽張嘉兒做完K Beauty素顏孖寳有咩幫助?
恭喜發財㊗️虎年大吉!K Beauty祝大家虎年龍精虎猛,身體健康,日日美麗動人!恭喜恭喜!
自2014年起,K Beauty的半永久化妝服務一直深受各香港小姐、藝人、國際模特兒愛戴,到底當中有甚麼奧秘令眾明星喜愛?今次我們非常榮幸有張嘉兒小姐在《香港美容專業雜誌》分享她早前於K Beauty完成的星級素顏孖寳(眉+眼線)的感受。 
張嘉兒小姐作為港姐冠軍,當然俱備美貌與智慧,所以在打扮和照顧兩個可愛囡囡之際,她選擇了K Beauty專業半永久化妝公司為她日常節省化妝時間,時刻保持最佳狀態,令她隨時Ready to go!
K Beauty Institute專業半永久化妝星級學府
除了用心在半永久化妝療程上,我們致力將紋繡技術教授予有心在半永久化妝行業發展的人士。K Beauty Institute成立於2014年,只要你對美容業有興趣,想學一門手藝,K Beauty Institute給予不同專業美容課程提供。
K BEAUTY 旗下診所的《脫疣療程》適用於大部份醫療保險(包括門診小手術,公司保險),全程由醫生主理,確保安全放心!
K Beauty Medical Group
「Keen to Beauty—時刻對美保持敏銳的觸覺!」
#飄霧眉 #隱形眼線 #柔唇 #髮際線
#pico皮秒激光 #去斑 #去凹凸洞 #洗眉